Industry Focus Solutions
Solutions to Better Serve your Needs
ITQwest Engineering and Construction On Demand solutions enable all companies involved in a construction project -- from architectural firms and construction companies to building owners and operators -- to automate and streamline business processes and communications as well as provide comprehensive action item tracking and audit trails. The result: improved communications, reduced costs, improved accountability, and increased profits.
The problem multiplies in construction projects due to the complexity of the supply chain. With many companies involved – contractors, subcontractors, designers, architects and other specialists - reliable and accurate information flow becomes a real issue. Construction projects are inherently complex as they involve many different companies trying to collaborate on the design and construction of a physical asset. These company teams produce a wide range of documents including CAD drawings, cost analyses, GANTT charts and bid packages.
These documents are used to make critical decisions about the building process, yet many companies struggle to manage this information over the lifecycle of a project. It is often unclear if a drawing is the most up-to-date version or if all reviewer comments have been included. Acting on the wrong information or wasting time tracking down the right information has costly implications.
For Architecture, Engineering and Construction Firms
Accelerate building design development - Automate collaboration by engineers, architects, contractors and other partners around design drawings, change orders, etc. Route bids, submittals, and transmittals automatically to the appropriate people.
Reduce construction delays and delay-related costs - Communicate RFIs, meeting minutes, action items and change orders to colleagues and clients online. Update prime contractors and subcontractors of new information simultaneously. Process change orders online.
Reduce cycle times and increase productivity - Eliminate multiple iterations in work processes
Increase accountability - Increase visibility into progress against milestones by external partners. Reduce errors associated with out-of-date drawings.
Establish best practices across project teams - Standardize policies and procedures across your entire team. Replicate best practices across projects and organizations based on real-world experience. Ramp new employees with reduced training times for new employees
For Owners an Operators
Improve the Bidding process - Identify the most capable low-cost suppliers, share and manage purchase requisitions and leverage purchase volume. Post documents that vendors can access during bidding phases.
Mitigate risk - Maintain a complete audit trail of document usage, sign-offs, milestones, inspections, closeouts and more. Enforce chain of communication according to established policies and procedures.
Accelerate knowledge transfer - Automate exchange of equipment, asset, cost, and schedule information with other departments.
Project Transparency - Stay current with vendor progress. Have greater visibility and control in the design and construction phases of the project.
Benefits of Engineering and Constructions Solutions
ITQwest Engineering and Construction On Demand solutions provide an easy-to-use and easy-to-deploy solution to help construction companies address these challenges. The benefits of deploying our solutions are:
- Faster completion times for key processes such as document approvals and change requests.
- Significantly fewer errors by ensuring that the correct plans are used on projects. The majority of errors on construction projects come from using the wrong plans.
- More transparency across the supply chain with a detailed audit trail of all actions performed by users. This makes it much easier to resolve disputes on the project.
- Lower overall project costs as there is less re-work to carry out due to people using the wrong information.
- Improved risk management as it becomes much easier to see a snapshot of the status of outstanding actions on the dashboard.
Learn More about ITQwest engineering and construction solutions, contact us.